Competitive Price for Savannah Fine Chemicals - Betaine Hcl 95% Hydrochloride with 800kg bag – E.Fine

Betaine Hydrochloride (CAS NO. 590-46-5)

Betaine hydrochloride is a new fine chemical, which is widely used in chemical, feed, food, printing and dyeing, medicine industry and other fields. At present, the most important use of betaine is to provide methyl to participate in the synthesis of carnitine, creatine and other essential substances, which can replace choline chloride and Methionine. The value of betaine as an attractant in aquatic feed has been affirmed by numerous scientific researches and practices.

Technical index


White crystal powder

White crystal powder




Heavy metal  (As)



Heavy metal  (Pb)



Residue on ignition



Loss on drying





  1. As an amino acid zwitterion and a high efficient methyl donor, 1kg betaine can replace 1-3.5kg of methionine.
  2. Improve broiler feeding rate, promote growth, also increase egg production rate and reduce the ratio of feed to eggs.
  3. Improve the effect of Coccidiosis.


  1. It has anti fatty liver function, enhances fat metabolism, improves meat quality and lean meat percentage.
  2. Improve the feeding rate of piglets, so that they can have a significant weight gain within 1-2 weeks after weaning.


  1. It has strong attractant activity and has special stimulation and promotion effect on aquatic products such as fish, shrimp, crab and bullfrog.
  2. Improve feed intake and reduce feed ratio.

3.It is the buffer of the osmolality when stimulated or changed. It can improve the adaptability to the ecological environment changes (cold, hot, diseases etc.) and raise the survival rate.

Feed Additive


Species of animal

Dosage of betaine in complete feed

  Kg/MT Feed Kg/MT Water  
Piglet 0.3-2.5 0.2-2.0 Optimum dosage of Piglet feed: 2.0-2.5kg/t
Growing-finishing pigs 0.3-2.0 0.3-1.5 Improving carcass quality: ≥1.0
Dorking 0.3-2.5 0.2-1.5 Improving the medicine effect  for worms with antibody or reducing fat≥1.0
Laying hen 0.3-2.5 0.3-2.0 Same as above
Fish 1.0-3.0   Juvenile fish:3.0

Adult fish: 1.0

Turtle 4.0-10.0   Average dosage: 5.0
Shrimp 1.0-3.0   Optimum dosage: 2.5



Storage: Keep it dry, ventilated and sealed

Shelf life: 12months

Note : Caking can be rubbed and broken without any quality problem.

  • Competitive Price for Savannah Fine Chemicals - Betaine Hcl 95% Hydrochloride with 800kg bag – E.Fine Related Video: